A Small Poem

A small poem to begin our encounter. Your critique is welcome.
My question to you is: what do you deem to be poetry?


Smooth or rough,
Large or small,
Square, round, oval,
You're a stone
Tossed in the waves,
Cold in the water,
Warm in the sun.
Whatever shape or feel,
One day you will become
The fine grain of sand,
crackling between my toes,
Burning my heels,

And when your minuteness
Dissolves into nothingness,
What will you be then?
A breath of air?
An atmosphere?
A universe?
Will you carry with you
The knowledge of my toes?

Send me a few lines of your own, or of your favorite writer. Tell me why they appeal to you.


  1. Love this! And these lines: And when your minuteness
    Dissolves into nothingness,


    Will you carry with you
    The knowledge of my toes?

    1. Thank you very much for your generous comments. Would you like to contribute one of your works or somebody else's?


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